Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Growth
Date: 20 July 2018
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Venue: Room A2, the Academy Building, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Type of Event: workshop
This workshop is part of the ESRC-DFID Project (ES/N013344/2) - Delivering Inclusive Financial Development and Growth. It is co-organised and hosted by University of Groningen.
Topics presented at the workshop include:
Capital Flows and Productivity in Africa: The Angel is in the Details
Lessons from Emerging Economies for African Low Income Countries on Managing Capital Flows
Increasing uptake of index insurance by delaying premium payments and marketing via social groups
Mobile Money, Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth: A Cross Country Analysis with Specific Focus on Africa
How Does Financial Inclusion Affect Economic Growth, Income Inequality and Poverty?