Continuing Professional Development
The Centre for Global Finance (CGF) in the School of Finance and Management at SOAS University of London is well placed to offer Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes, dedicated training, and tailor-made capacity development programmes for companies, international organisations and governments.
We are keen to build partnerships, networks and collaboration for this purpose.
The CPD programmes are designed to resonate with public policy and private sector practice, and are informed by and derive from the research activities of the CGF, specifically from three ongoing research projects and programmes:
The research project on ‘delivering inclusive financial development and growth’, funded by DFID and ESRC, research grant ESRC Reference: ES/N013344/2
The research project on ‘China's financial system towards sustainable growth: The role of innovation, diversity and financial regulation’, funded by ESRC NSFC, research grant ESRC Reference: ES/P005241/1
The research programme on ‘mega trends on global finance’, funded by the AXA Research Fund, under the AXA Chair in Global Finance at SOAS University of London.