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Financial Inclusion in China

Financial Inclusion in China

This workshop is part of the collaborative research project with Nankai University and Zhejiang University on Developing financial systems to support sustainable growth in China – The role of innovation, diversity and financial regulation


09:30  COFFEE & TEA

10:00  Welcome and introduction by Gerhard Kling

10:10  Update from China team by  Lihui Tian

10:30  Presentation of WP1 by Vanesa Pesque-Cela

11:00  Presentation of WP2 by Victor Murinde

11:30  Presentation of WP3 by Christine Oughton

12:00  Lunch 

13:30  Presentation of WP5 by Laurence Harris

14:00  "Household portfolio decisions in China" by Victor Murinde

14:30  "Financial crises, Bailout and Corporate Capital Adjustment: Evidence from China" by Deming Luo

15:00  "Development of Internet Finance for Financial Inclusion in China" by Lihui Tian

15:30  Coffee and Tea

16:00  "Corporate Diversity in Financial Services in China" by Christine Oughton

16:30  "Towards a Theory of Financial Inclusion"  by Gerhard Kling

18:30  Dinner